Archbishop to Medjugorje Henryk Hoser reveals Expansion of Shrine
Adapted from a Sarajevo Times article published January 6, 2019
Henryk Hoser, Archbishop whom Pope Francis has named as the Apostolic Visitator to Medjugorje, has announced the expansion and construction of a shrine in this town located in Herzegovina.
“An important argument in favor of Medjugorje is the statistics of Medjugorje itself,” Archbishop Hoser said in an interview for Vecernji.hr. “We see the number of pilgrims increasing, and not only that pilgrims come from all over the world, but, after their return home, they do everything to keep on living in the spirit they have discovered here in Medjugorje. It seems to me that there are more people in the world who know where Medjugorje is located than for the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
Speaking on the expansion of the shrine, he said that a group of architects is already preparing the project.
“The plan is to extend the space for liturgical celebrations, which will meet all the climatic conditions; it will be cold during summer, and warm in the winter. The open square, the outer altar space, does not protect the people who participate in the liturgical celebrations. We are still thinking we should build a chapel,” Hoser said.
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Visit Medjugorje in 2019 on a Stella Mar pilgrimage hosted by visionary Mirjana Soldo. Learn more at MedjugorjePilgrimage.com.
Oh to just be able to say ” Yes it is true our Blessed Mother is there appearing to the people even though only the visionaries may see Her live”
Thank you so much for the news of this Holy Place which you give to us. The news allows for us to stay connected in the Holy Spirit feeling the grace and mercy of God.
I am sitting in awe and wonder at the great news.May God bless you all for staying true to Our Lady.Please help me to be true to my Rosary.Madge from Ireland
will do my best to get this article copied and spread,thanks,Andrew W.
Praised be Jezus, Amen.
Praising Our Lord that the Vatican further recognizes Our Lady and her purpose to do the perfect will of the Holy Spirit. Our lives have been transformed & blessed since our pilgrimage last November. We are returning with (Protestant) family members this year. Peace