CatholicDaily App coming soon
One of the missions of our non-profit organization Queen of Peace Productions is to bring a message of hope and faith to the world, and one way we accomplish this goal is through the Internet.
One of our most popular websites is CatholicDaily.com, which features faith-based news and inspiration from around the world.
Our team is constantly on the lookout for interesting, enlightening stories to share on CatholicDaily.com, and we love writing new articles for our readers. See the site.
With the public increasingly using smartphones to access information, we recently turned our attention to finding better ways to connect with them directly and make it easier for them to enjoy our content.
That’s why Queen of Peace Productions began an initiative (led by co-founder Sean Bloomfield) to create a mobile app version of Catholic Daily.
As you may also know, we also recently released an app called iMedjugorje, which has quickly become very popular. See it here.
With the CatholicDaily app almost complete, we hope to release it soon for Apple and Android, and we’ll update you when it is available to install on your device. In the meantime, you can learn more about the app below.
Catholic Daily App
Your daily dose of Catholic news, prayers, Mass readings, and more!
The Catholic Daily app is packed with a wide range of exciting features, from the Holy Bible in multiple translations to a visual rosary. Start your day with breaking news from the top Catholic news portals, and get inspired by our Catholic blogs, inspiration, and prayers. Shop for discounted religious gifts, watch Catholic videos, read free Catholic ebooks, and explore what all that the CatholicDaily app by Queen of Peace Productions has to offer.